Time for Some Hacking
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Time for Some Hacking

I have been pretty down recently because rather than building awesome things, I’ve been writing tons of college and scholarship applications. But, that all paid off just a few days ago when I found out that I had been accepted to MIT!I have been feeling pretty down recently because rather than building awesome things, I’ve been writing tons of college and scholarship applications. But, that all paid off just a few days ago when I found out that I had been accepted to MIT! About a week after this I received a shiny cylinder in the mail: the hallowed MIT acceptance letter bearing tube. I opened it up, and found this inside.
First of all, isn’t that poster awesome? Along with this poster was a relevant invitation: MIT apparently wants all accepted students to hack (hack as in make something cool out of, not maliciously break into a computer system) their tubes in whatever way they can, and submit the hacks to http://hackthetubes.mitadmissions.org. Anyway, the gears in my head have been turning, and I think I’m going to turn this tube into an autonomous robot that can navigate its environment using data from a sharp IR rangefinder. I’ll keep the website updated with how exactly I’m going to do this in the days to come.In other news, I am still working on cleaning reactor MK. IV’s vacuum chamber, and I hope to have plasma in the chamber soon.